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2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
package conf
import (
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
2020-07-02 22:41:54 +02:00
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
2020-01-24 01:44:08 +01:00
2020-10-25 03:55:19 +01:00
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
type configOptions struct {
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
ConfigFile string
Address string
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
Port int
MusicFolder string
DataFolder string
DbPath string
LogLevel string
2020-07-02 22:41:54 +02:00
ScanInterval time.Duration
SessionTimeout time.Duration
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
BaseURL string
UILoginBackgroundURL string
EnableTranscodingConfig bool
EnableDownloads bool
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
TranscodingCacheSize string
ImageCacheSize string
2020-08-03 05:17:13 +02:00
AutoImportPlaylists bool
SearchFullString bool
IgnoredArticles string
IndexGroups string
ProbeCommand string
CoverArtPriority string
CoverJpegQuality int
UIWelcomeMessage string
GATrackingID string
AuthRequestLimit int
AuthWindowLength time.Duration
Scanner scannerOptions
LastFM lastfmOptions
Spotify spotifyOptions
// DevFlags. These are used to enable/disable debugging and incomplete features
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
DevLogSourceLine bool
DevAutoCreateAdminPassword string
DevPreCacheAlbumArtwork bool
DevDisableTrackCoverArt bool
2020-11-05 05:25:38 +01:00
DevOldCacheLayout bool
2020-11-09 21:31:05 +01:00
DevActivityMenu bool
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
type scannerOptions struct {
Extractor string
type lastfmOptions struct {
ApiKey string
Secret string
Language string
type spotifyOptions struct {
ID string
Secret string
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
var Server = &configOptions{}
2020-01-08 16:25:23 +01:00
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
func LoadFromFile(confFile string) {
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
func Load() {
err := viper.Unmarshal(&Server)
if err != nil {
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
fmt.Println("Error parsing config:", err)
err = os.MkdirAll(Server.DataFolder, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error creating data path:", "path", Server.DataFolder, err)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
Server.ConfigFile = viper.GetViper().ConfigFileUsed()
if Server.DbPath == "" {
Server.DbPath = filepath.Join(Server.DataFolder, consts.DefaultDbPath)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
2020-10-25 03:55:19 +01:00
if log.CurrentLevel() >= log.LevelDebug {
pretty.Printf("Loaded configuration from '%s': %# v\n", Server.ConfigFile, Server)
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
func init() {
2020-07-28 14:49:07 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("musicfolder", filepath.Join(".", "music"))
viper.SetDefault("datafolder", ".")
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("loglevel", "info")
viper.SetDefault("address", "")
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("port", 4533)
2020-07-02 22:41:54 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("sessiontimeout", consts.DefaultSessionTimeout)
viper.SetDefault("scaninterval", time.Minute)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("baseurl", "")
2020-07-20 20:34:02 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("uiloginbackgroundurl", "")
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("enabletranscodingconfig", false)
viper.SetDefault("transcodingcachesize", "100MB")
viper.SetDefault("imagecachesize", "100MB")
2020-08-03 05:17:13 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("autoimportplaylists", true)
viper.SetDefault("enabledownloads", true)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
// Config options only valid for file/env configuration
viper.SetDefault("searchfullstring", false)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("ignoredarticles", "The El La Los Las Le Les Os As O A")
viper.SetDefault("indexgroups", "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z(XYZ) [Unknown]([)")
viper.SetDefault("probecommand", "ffmpeg %s -f ffmetadata")
viper.SetDefault("coverartpriority", "embedded, cover.*, folder.*, front.*")
viper.SetDefault("coverjpegquality", 75)
viper.SetDefault("uiwelcomemessage", "")
viper.SetDefault("gatrackingid", "")
viper.SetDefault("authrequestlimit", 5)
viper.SetDefault("authwindowlength", 20*time.Second)
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("scanner.extractor", "taglib")
viper.SetDefault("lastfm.language", "en")
viper.SetDefault("lastfm.apikey", "")
viper.SetDefault("lastfm.secret", "")
viper.SetDefault("", "")
viper.SetDefault("spotify.secret", "")
2020-07-02 22:34:21 +02:00
// DevFlags. These are used to enable/disable debugging and incomplete features
viper.SetDefault("devlogsourceline", false)
viper.SetDefault("devautocreateadminpassword", "")
viper.SetDefault("devprecachealbumartwork", false)
2020-11-05 05:25:38 +01:00
viper.SetDefault("devoldcachelayout", false)
viper.SetDefault("devdisabletrackcoverart", false)
2020-11-09 21:31:05 +01:00
viper.SetDefault("devactivitymenu", false)
2016-03-30 06:05:57 +02:00
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
2020-07-03 15:39:28 +02:00
func InitConfig(cfgFile string) {
cfgFile = getConfigFile(cfgFile)
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
if cfgFile != "" {
// Use config file from the flag.
} else {
// Search config in local directory with name "navidrome" (without extension).
2020-07-03 00:17:31 +02:00
_ = viper.BindEnv("port")
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
2020-07-03 16:19:44 +02:00
err := viper.ReadInConfig()
if cfgFile != "" && err != nil {
fmt.Println("Navidrome could not open config file: ", err)
2020-07-02 23:21:25 +02:00
func getConfigFile(cfgFile string) string {
if cfgFile != "" {
return cfgFile
return os.Getenv("ND_CONFIGFILE")