Add artistImageUrl available in getArtists endpoint

Also cache artist info in the DB for 1 hour
This commit is contained in:
Deluan 2020-10-30 16:08:43 -04:00
parent 7583ddac65
commit cfad35544b
15 changed files with 390 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ const (
RequestThrottleBacklogLimit = 100
RequestThrottleBacklogTimeout = time.Minute
ArtistInfoTimeToLive = 1 * time.Hour
I18nFolder = "i18n"
SkipScanFile = ".ndignore"

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ const placeholderArtistImageMediumUrl = "
const placeholderArtistImageLargeUrl = ""
type ExternalInfo interface {
ArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.ArtistInfo, error)
UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error)
SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error)
TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artist string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error)
@ -37,32 +38,74 @@ type externalInfo struct {
spf *spotify.Client
func (e *externalInfo) getArtist(ctx context.Context, id string) (artist *model.Artist, err error) {
const UnavailableArtistID = "-1"
func (e *externalInfo) UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error) {
artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we have updated info, just return it
if time.Since(artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt) < consts.ArtistInfoTimeToLive {
log.Debug("Found cached ArtistInfo", "updatedAt", artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt, "name", artist.Name)
err := e.loadSimilar(ctx, artist, includeNotPresent)
return artist, err
log.Debug("ArtistInfo not cached", "updatedAt", artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt, "id", id)
// TODO Load from local: artist.jpg/png/webp, artist.json (with the remaining info)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
e.callArtistInfo(ctx, artist, &wg)
e.callArtistImages(ctx, artist, &wg)
e.callSimilarArtists(ctx, artist, count, &wg)
// Use placeholders if could not get from external sources
e.setBio(artist, "Biography not available")
e.setSmallImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageSmallUrl)
e.setMediumImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageMediumUrl)
e.setLargeImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageLargeUrl)
artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt = time.Now()
err = e.ds.Artist(ctx).Put(artist)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "Error trying to update artistImageUrl", "id", id, err)
if !includeNotPresent {
similar := artist.SimilarArtists
artist.SimilarArtists = nil
for _, s := range similar {
if s.ID == UnavailableArtistID {
artist.SimilarArtists = append(artist.SimilarArtists, s)
log.Trace(ctx, "ArtistInfo collected", "artist", artist)
return artist, nil
func (e *externalInfo) getArtist(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Artist, error) {
var entity interface{}
entity, err = GetEntityByID(ctx, e.ds, id)
entity, err := GetEntityByID(ctx, e.ds, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch v := entity.(type) {
case *model.Artist:
artist = v
return v, nil
case *model.MediaFile:
artist = &model.Artist{
ID: v.ArtistID,
Name: v.Artist,
return e.ds.Artist(ctx).Get(v.ArtistID)
case *model.Album:
artist = &model.Artist{
ID: v.AlbumArtistID,
Name: v.Artist,
return e.ds.Artist(ctx).Get(v.AlbumArtistID)
err = model.ErrNotFound
artist.Name = clearName(artist.Name)
return nil, model.ErrNotFound
// Replace some Unicode chars with their equivalent ASCII
@ -87,7 +130,7 @@ func (e *externalInfo) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (
return nil, err
artists, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, artist, count, false)
artists, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, clearName(artist.Name), count, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -104,19 +147,19 @@ func (e *externalInfo) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (
func (e *externalInfo) similarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (model.Artists, error) {
func (e *externalInfo) similarArtists(ctx context.Context, artistName string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (model.Artists, error) {
var result model.Artists
var notPresent []string
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetSimilar", "artist", artist.Name)
similar, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetSimilar(ctx, artist.Name, count)
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetSimilar", "artist", artistName)
similar, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetSimilar(ctx, artistName, count)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// First select artists that are present.
for _, s := range similar {
sa, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).FindByName(s.Name)
sa, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, s.Name)
if err != nil {
notPresent = append(notPresent, s.Name)
@ -127,7 +170,7 @@ func (e *externalInfo) similarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist,
// Then fill up with non-present artists
if includeNotPresent {
for _, s := range notPresent {
sa := model.Artist{ID: "-1", Name: s}
sa := model.Artist{ID: UnavailableArtistID, Name: s}
result = append(result, sa)
@ -135,12 +178,26 @@ func (e *externalInfo) similarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist,
return result, nil
func (e *externalInfo) findArtistByName(ctx context.Context, artistName string) (*model.Artist, error) {
artists, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{
Filters: squirrel.Like{"name": artistName},
Max: 1,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(artists) == 0 {
return nil, model.ErrNotFound
return &artists[0], nil
func (e *externalInfo) TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artistName string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) {
if e.lfm == nil {
log.Warn(ctx, "Last.FM client not configured")
return nil, model.ErrNotAvailable
artist, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).FindByName(artistName)
artist, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, artistName)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "Artist not found", "name", artistName, err)
return nil, nil
@ -188,54 +245,28 @@ func (e *externalInfo) findMatchingTrack(ctx context.Context, mbid string, artis
return &mfs[0], nil
func (e *externalInfo) ArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.ArtistInfo, error) {
artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
info := model.ArtistInfo{ID: artist.ID, Name: artist.Name}
// TODO Load from local: artist.jpg/png/webp, artist.json (with the remaining info)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
e.callArtistInfo(ctx, artist, &wg, &info)
e.callArtistImages(ctx, artist, &wg, &info)
e.callSimilarArtists(ctx, artist, count, includeNotPresent, &wg, &info)
// Use placeholders if could not get from external sources
e.setBio(&info, "Biography not available")
e.setSmallImageUrl(&info, placeholderArtistImageSmallUrl)
e.setMediumImageUrl(&info, placeholderArtistImageMediumUrl)
e.setLargeImageUrl(&info, placeholderArtistImageLargeUrl)
log.Trace(ctx, "ArtistInfo collected", "artist", artist.Name, "info", info)
return &info, nil
func (e *externalInfo) callArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup, info *model.ArtistInfo) {
func (e *externalInfo) callArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if e.lfm != nil {
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetInfo", "artist", artist.Name)
name := clearName(artist.Name)
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetInfo", "artist", name)
go func() {
start := time.Now()
defer wg.Done()
lfmArtist, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetInfo(ctx, artist.Name)
lfmArtist, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetInfo(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", artist.Name, err)
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", name, err)
} else {
log.Debug(ctx, "Got info from Last.FM", "artist", artist.Name, "info", lfmArtist.Bio.Summary, "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Debug(ctx, "Got info from Last.FM", "artist", name, "info", lfmArtist.Bio.Summary, "elapsed", time.Since(start))
e.setBio(info, lfmArtist.Bio.Summary)
e.setLastFMUrl(info, lfmArtist.URL)
e.setMbzID(info, lfmArtist.MBID)
e.setBio(artist, lfmArtist.Bio.Summary)
e.setExternalUrl(artist, lfmArtist.URL)
e.setMbzID(artist, lfmArtist.MBID)
func (e *externalInfo) findArtist(ctx context.Context, name string) (*spotify.Artist, error) {
func (e *externalInfo) searchArtist(ctx context.Context, name string) (*spotify.Artist, error) {
artists, err := e.spf.SearchArtists(ctx, name, 40)
if err != nil || len(artists) == 0 {
return nil, model.ErrNotFound
@ -256,89 +287,132 @@ func (e *externalInfo) findArtist(ctx context.Context, name string) (*spotify.Ar
return &artists[0], err
func (e *externalInfo) callSimilarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, count int, includeNotPresent bool,
wg *sync.WaitGroup, info *model.ArtistInfo) {
func (e *externalInfo) callSimilarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if e.lfm != nil {
name := clearName(artist.Name)
go func() {
start := time.Now()
defer wg.Done()
similar, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, artist, count, includeNotPresent)
similar, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, name, count, true)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", artist.Name, err)
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", name, err)
log.Debug(ctx, "Got similar artists from Last.FM", "artist", artist.Name, "info", "elapsed", time.Since(start))
info.SimilarArtists = similar
log.Debug(ctx, "Got similar artists from Last.FM", "artist", name, "info", "elapsed", time.Since(start))
artist.SimilarArtists = similar
func (e *externalInfo) callArtistImages(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup, info *model.ArtistInfo) {
func (e *externalInfo) callArtistImages(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if e.spf != nil {
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Spotify SearchArtist", "artist", artist.Name)
name := clearName(artist.Name)
log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Spotify SearchArtist", "artist", name)
go func() {
start := time.Now()
defer wg.Done()
a, err := e.findArtist(ctx, artist.Name)
a, err := e.searchArtist(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Spotify", "artist", artist.Name, err)
if err == model.ErrNotFound {
log.Warn(ctx, "Artist not found in Spotify", "artist", name)
} else {
log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Spotify", "artist", name, err)
spfImages := a.Images
log.Debug(ctx, "Got images from Spotify", "artist", artist.Name, "images", spfImages, "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Debug(ctx, "Got images from Spotify", "artist", name, "images", spfImages, "elapsed", time.Since(start))
sort.Slice(spfImages, func(i, j int) bool { return spfImages[i].Width > spfImages[j].Width })
if len(spfImages) >= 1 {
e.setLargeImageUrl(info, spfImages[0].URL)
e.setLargeImageUrl(artist, spfImages[0].URL)
if len(spfImages) >= 2 {
e.setMediumImageUrl(info, spfImages[1].URL)
e.setMediumImageUrl(artist, spfImages[1].URL)
if len(spfImages) >= 3 {
e.setSmallImageUrl(info, spfImages[2].URL)
e.setSmallImageUrl(artist, spfImages[2].URL)
func (e *externalInfo) setBio(info *model.ArtistInfo, bio string) {
func (e *externalInfo) setBio(artist *model.Artist, bio string) {
policy := bluemonday.UGCPolicy()
if info.Biography == "" {
if artist.Biography == "" {
bio = policy.Sanitize(bio)
bio = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "\n", " ")
info.Biography = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "<a ", "<a target='_blank' ")
artist.Biography = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "<a ", "<a target='_blank' ")
func (e *externalInfo) setLastFMUrl(info *model.ArtistInfo, url string) {
if info.LastFMUrl == "" {
info.LastFMUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setExternalUrl(artist *model.Artist, url string) {
if artist.ExternalUrl == "" {
artist.ExternalUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setMbzID(info *model.ArtistInfo, mbID string) {
if info.MBID == "" {
info.MBID = mbID
func (e *externalInfo) setMbzID(artist *model.Artist, mbID string) {
if artist.MbzArtistID == "" {
artist.MbzArtistID = mbID
func (e *externalInfo) setSmallImageUrl(info *model.ArtistInfo, url string) {
if info.SmallImageUrl == "" {
info.SmallImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setSmallImageUrl(artist *model.Artist, url string) {
if artist.SmallImageUrl == "" {
artist.SmallImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setMediumImageUrl(info *model.ArtistInfo, url string) {
if info.MediumImageUrl == "" {
info.MediumImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setMediumImageUrl(artist *model.Artist, url string) {
if artist.MediumImageUrl == "" {
artist.MediumImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setLargeImageUrl(info *model.ArtistInfo, url string) {
if info.LargeImageUrl == "" {
info.LargeImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) setLargeImageUrl(artist *model.Artist, url string) {
if artist.LargeImageUrl == "" {
artist.LargeImageUrl = url
func (e *externalInfo) loadSimilar(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, includeNotPresent bool) error {
var ids []string
for _, sa := range artist.SimilarArtists {
if sa.ID == UnavailableArtistID {
ids = append(ids, sa.ID)
similar, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{
Filters: squirrel.Eq{"id": ids},
if err != nil {
return err
// Use a map and iterate through original array, to keep the same order
artistMap := make(map[string]model.Artist)
for _, sa := range similar {
artistMap[sa.ID] = sa
var loaded model.Artists
for _, sa := range artist.SimilarArtists {
la, ok := artistMap[sa.ID]
if !ok {
if !includeNotPresent {
la = sa
la.ID = UnavailableArtistID
loaded = append(loaded, la)
artist.SimilarArtists = loaded
return nil

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func NewPool(name string, workerCount int, item interface{}, exec Executor) (*Po
log.Debug("Queue status", "pool",, "items", len(p.queue))
} else {
if running {
log.Info("Finished draining queue", "pool",
log.Info("Queue empty", "pool",
running = false

View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ func (c *Client) SearchArtists(ctx context.Context, name string, limit int) ([]A
if len(results.Artists.Items) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNotFound
log.Debug(ctx, "Found artist in Spotify", "artist", results.Artists.Items[0].Name)
return results.Artists.Items, err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package migration
import (
func init() {
goose.AddMigration(upAddArtistImageUrl, downAddArtistImageUrl)
func upAddArtistImageUrl(tx *sql.Tx) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(`
alter table artist
add biography varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add small_image_url varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add medium_image_url varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add large_image_url varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add similar_artists varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add external_url varchar(255) default '' not null;
alter table artist
add external_info_updated_at datetime;
return err
func downAddArtistImageUrl(tx *sql.Tx) error {
return nil

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package model
import "time"
type Artist struct {
@ -12,6 +14,23 @@ type Artist struct {
OrderArtistName string `json:"orderArtistName"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
MbzArtistID string `json:"mbzArtistId" orm:"column(mbz_artist_id)"`
Biography string `json:"biography"`
SmallImageUrl string `json:"smallImageUrl"`
MediumImageUrl string `json:"mediumImageUrl"`
LargeImageUrl string `json:"largeImageUrl"`
ExternalUrl string `json:"externalUrl" orm:"column(external_url)"`
SimilarArtists Artists `json:"-" orm:"-"`
ExternalInfoUpdatedAt time.Time `json:"externalInfoUpdatedAt"`
func (a Artist) ArtistImageUrl() string {
if a.MediumImageUrl != "" {
return a.MediumImageUrl
if a.LargeImageUrl != "" {
return a.LargeImageUrl
return a.SmallImageUrl
type Artists []Artist
@ -27,7 +46,7 @@ type ArtistRepository interface {
Exists(id string) (bool, error)
Put(m *Artist) error
Get(id string) (*Artist, error)
FindByName(name string) (*Artist, error)
GetAll(options ...QueryOptions) (Artists, error)
GetStarred(options ...QueryOptions) (Artists, error)
Search(q string, offset int, size int) (Artists, error)
Refresh(ids ...string) error

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package persistence
import (
@ -20,6 +22,11 @@ type artistRepository struct {
indexGroups utils.IndexGroups
type dbArtist struct {
SimilarArtists string `json:"similarArtists"`
func NewArtistRepository(ctx context.Context, o orm.Ormer) model.ArtistRepository {
r := &artistRepository{}
r.ctx = ctx
@ -49,42 +56,71 @@ func (r *artistRepository) Exists(id string) (bool, error) {
func (r *artistRepository) Put(a *model.Artist) error {
a.FullText = getFullText(a.Name, a.SortArtistName)
_, err := r.put(a.ID, a)
dba := r.fromModel(a)
a.FullText = getFullText(dba.Name, dba.SortArtistName)
_, err := r.put(dba.ID, dba)
return err
func (r *artistRepository) Get(id string) (*model.Artist, error) {
sel := r.selectArtist().Where(Eq{"id": id})
var res model.Artists
if err := r.queryAll(sel, &res); err != nil {
var dba []dbArtist
if err := r.queryAll(sel, &dba); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res) == 0 {
return nil, model.ErrNotFound
return &res[0], nil
func (r *artistRepository) FindByName(name string) (*model.Artist, error) {
sel := r.selectArtist().Where(Like{"name": name})
var res model.Artists
if err := r.queryAll(sel, &res); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res) == 0 {
if len(dba) == 0 {
return nil, model.ErrNotFound
res := r.toModels(dba)
return &res[0], nil
func (r *artistRepository) GetAll(options ...model.QueryOptions) (model.Artists, error) {
sel := r.selectArtist(options...)
res := model.Artists{}
err := r.queryAll(sel, &res)
var dba []dbArtist
err := r.queryAll(sel, &dba)
res := r.toModels(dba)
return res, err
func (r *artistRepository) toModels(dba []dbArtist) model.Artists {
var res model.Artists
for i := range dba {
a := dba[i]
res = append(res, *r.toModel(&a))
return res
func (r *artistRepository) toModel(dba *dbArtist) *model.Artist {
a := dba.Artist
a.SimilarArtists = nil
for _, s := range strings.Split(dba.SimilarArtists, ";") {
fields := strings.Split(s, ":")
if len(fields) != 2 {
name, _ := url.QueryUnescape(fields[1])
a.SimilarArtists = append(a.SimilarArtists, model.Artist{
ID: fields[0],
Name: name,
return &a
func (r *artistRepository) fromModel(a *model.Artist) *dbArtist {
dba := &dbArtist{Artist: *a}
var sa []string
for _, s := range a.SimilarArtists {
sa = append(sa, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", s.ID, url.QueryEscape(s.Name)))
dba.SimilarArtists = strings.Join(sa, ";")
return dba
func (r *artistRepository) getIndexKey(a *model.Artist) string {
name := strings.ToLower(utils.NoArticle(a.Name))
for k, v := range r.indexGroups {
@ -98,9 +134,7 @@ func (r *artistRepository) getIndexKey(a *model.Artist) string {
// TODO Cache the index (recalculate when there are changes to the DB)
func (r *artistRepository) GetIndex() (model.ArtistIndexes, error) {
sq := r.selectArtist().OrderBy("order_artist_name")
var all model.Artists
err := r.queryAll(sq, &all)
all, err := r.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Sort: "order_artist_name"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -181,8 +215,9 @@ func (r *artistRepository) refresh(ids ...string) error {
func (r *artistRepository) GetStarred(options ...model.QueryOptions) (model.Artists, error) {
sq := r.selectArtist(options...).Where("starred = true")
starred := model.Artists{}
err := r.queryAll(sq, &starred)
var dba []dbArtist
err := r.queryAll(sq, &dba)
starred := r.toModels(dba)
return starred, err
@ -198,9 +233,12 @@ func (r *artistRepository) purgeEmpty() error {
func (r *artistRepository) Search(q string, offset int, size int) (model.Artists, error) {
results := model.Artists{}
err := r.doSearch(q, offset, size, &results, "name")
return results, err
var dba []dbArtist
err := r.doSearch(q, offset, size, &dba, "name")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.toModels(dba), nil
func (r *artistRepository) Count(options (int64, error) {

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("ArtistRepository", func() {
@ -69,4 +70,26 @@ var _ = Describe("ArtistRepository", func() {
Describe("dbArtist mapping", func() {
var a *model.Artist
BeforeEach(func() {
a = &model.Artist{ID: "1", Name: "Van Halen", SimilarArtists: []model.Artist{
{ID: "2", Name: "AC/DC"}, {ID: "-1", Name: "Test;With:Sep,Chars"},
It("maps fields", func() {
dba := repo.(*artistRepository).fromModel(a)
actual := repo.(*artistRepository).toModel(dba)
Expect(*actual).To(MatchFields(IgnoreExtras, Fields{
"ID": Equal(a.ID),
"Name": Equal(a.Name),

View File

@ -69,12 +69,7 @@ func (c *BrowsingController) getArtistIndex(ctx context.Context, mediaFolderId i
res.Index = make([]responses.Index, len(indexes))
for i, idx := range indexes {
res.Index[i].Name = idx.ID
res.Index[i].Artists = make([]responses.Artist, len(idx.Artists))
for j, a := range idx.Artists {
res.Index[i].Artists[j].Id = a.ID
res.Index[i].Artists[j].Name = a.Name
res.Index[i].Artists[j].AlbumCount = a.AlbumCount
res.Index[i].Artists = toArtists(ctx, idx.Artists)
return res, nil
@ -241,28 +236,21 @@ func (c *BrowsingController) GetArtistInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reques
count := utils.ParamInt(r, "count", 20)
includeNotPresent := utils.ParamBool(r, "includeNotPresent", false)
info, err := c.ei.ArtistInfo(ctx, id, count, includeNotPresent)
artist, err := c.ei.UpdateArtistInfo(ctx, id, count, includeNotPresent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := newResponse()
response.ArtistInfo = &responses.ArtistInfo{}
response.ArtistInfo.Biography = info.Biography
response.ArtistInfo.SmallImageUrl = info.SmallImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.MediumImageUrl = info.MediumImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.LargeImageUrl = info.LargeImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.LastFmUrl = info.LastFMUrl
response.ArtistInfo.MusicBrainzID = info.MBID
for _, s := range info.SimilarArtists {
similar := responses.Artist{}
similar.Id = s.ID
similar.Name = s.Name
similar.AlbumCount = s.AlbumCount
if s.Starred {
similar.Starred = &s.StarredAt
similar.UserRating = s.Rating
response.ArtistInfo.Biography = artist.Biography
response.ArtistInfo.SmallImageUrl = artist.SmallImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.MediumImageUrl = artist.MediumImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.LargeImageUrl = artist.LargeImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo.LastFmUrl = artist.ExternalUrl
response.ArtistInfo.MusicBrainzID = artist.MbzArtistID
for _, s := range artist.SimilarArtists {
similar := toArtist(ctx, s)
response.ArtistInfo.SimilarArtist = append(response.ArtistInfo.SimilarArtist, similar)
return response, nil
@ -283,6 +271,7 @@ func (c *BrowsingController) GetArtistInfo2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
similar.Name = s.Name
similar.AlbumCount = s.AlbumCount
similar.Starred = s.Starred
similar.ArtistImageUrl = s.ArtistImageUrl
response.ArtistInfo2.SimilarArtist = append(response.ArtistInfo2.SimilarArtist, similar)
return response, nil
@ -362,16 +351,10 @@ func (c *BrowsingController) buildArtistDirectory(ctx context.Context, artist *m
func (c *BrowsingController) buildArtist(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, albums model.Albums) *responses.ArtistWithAlbumsID3 {
dir := &responses.ArtistWithAlbumsID3{}
dir.Id = artist.ID
dir.Name = artist.Name
dir.AlbumCount = artist.AlbumCount
if artist.Starred {
dir.Starred = &artist.StarredAt
dir.Album = childrenFromAlbums(ctx, albums)
return dir
a := &responses.ArtistWithAlbumsID3{}
a.ArtistID3 = toArtistID3(ctx, *artist)
a.Album = childrenFromAlbums(ctx, albums)
return a
func (c *BrowsingController) buildAlbumDirectory(ctx context.Context, album *model.Album) (*responses.Directory, error) {

View File

@ -74,19 +74,38 @@ func getUser(ctx context.Context) string {
func toArtists(ctx context.Context, artists model.Artists) []responses.Artist {
as := make([]responses.Artist, len(artists))
for i, artist := range artists {
as[i] = responses.Artist{
Id: artist.ID,
Name: artist.Name,
AlbumCount: artist.AlbumCount,
UserRating: artist.Rating,
if artist.Starred {
as[i].Starred = &artist.StarredAt
as[i] = toArtist(ctx, artist)
return as
func toArtist(ctx context.Context, a model.Artist) responses.Artist {
artist := responses.Artist{
Id: a.ID,
Name: a.Name,
AlbumCount: a.AlbumCount,
UserRating: a.Rating,
ArtistImageUrl: a.ArtistImageUrl(),
if a.Starred {
artist.Starred = &a.StarredAt
return artist
func toArtistID3(ctx context.Context, a model.Artist) responses.ArtistID3 {
artist := responses.ArtistID3{
Id: a.ID,
Name: a.Name,
AlbumCount: a.AlbumCount,
ArtistImageUrl: a.ArtistImageUrl(),
if a.Starred {
artist.Starred = &a.StarredAt
return artist
func toGenres(genres model.Genres) *responses.Genres {
response := make([]responses.Genre, len(genres))
for i, g := range genres {

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@
<subsonic-response xmlns="" status="ok" version="1.8.0" type="navidrome" serverVersion="v0.0.0"><indexes lastModified="1" ignoredArticles="A"><index name="A"><artist id="111" name="aaa" albumCount="2" starred="2016-03-02T20:30:00Z" userRating="3"></artist></index></indexes></subsonic-response>
<subsonic-response xmlns="" status="ok" version="1.8.0" type="navidrome" serverVersion="v0.0.0"><indexes lastModified="1" ignoredArticles="A"><index name="A"><artist id="111" name="aaa" albumCount="2" starred="2016-03-02T20:30:00Z" userRating="3" artistImageUrl=""></artist></index></indexes></subsonic-response>

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ type Artist struct {
AlbumCount int `xml:"albumCount,attr,omitempty" json:"albumCount,omitempty"`
Starred *time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty" json:"starred,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty" json:"userRating,omitempty"`
ArtistImageUrl string `xml:"artistImageUrl,attr,omitempty" json:"artistImageUrl,omitempty"`
<xs:attribute name="averageRating" type="sub:AverageRating" use="optional"/> <!-- Added in 1.13.0 -->
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ type ArtistID3 struct {
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty" json:"coverArt,omitempty"`
AlbumCount int `xml:"albumCount,attr,omitempty" json:"albumCount,omitempty"`
Starred *time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty" json:"starred,omitempty"`
ArtistImageUrl string `xml:"artistImageUrl,attr,omitempty" json:"artistImageUrl,omitempty"`
type AlbumID3 struct {

View File

@ -92,7 +92,14 @@ var _ = Describe("Responses", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
artists := make([]Artist, 1)
t := time.Date(2016, 03, 2, 20, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC)
artists[0] = Artist{Id: "111", Name: "aaa", Starred: &t, UserRating: 3, AlbumCount: 2}
artists[0] = Artist{
Id: "111",
Name: "aaa",
Starred: &t,
UserRating: 3,
AlbumCount: 2,
ArtistImageUrl: "",
index := make([]Index, 1)
index[0] = Index{Name: "A", Artists: artists}
response.Indexes.Index = index

View File

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ func (c *SearchingController) Search2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*
func (c *SearchingController) Search3(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*responses.Subsonic, error) {
ctx := r.Context()
sp, err := c.getParams(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -106,17 +107,10 @@ func (c *SearchingController) Search3(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*
searchResult3 := &responses.SearchResult3{}
searchResult3.Artist = make([]responses.ArtistID3, len(as))
for i, artist := range as {
searchResult3.Artist[i] = responses.ArtistID3{
Id: artist.ID,
Name: artist.Name,
AlbumCount: artist.AlbumCount,
searchResult3.Artist[i] = toArtistID3(ctx, artist)
if artist.Starred {
searchResult3.Artist[i].Starred = &artist.StarredAt
searchResult3.Album = childrenFromAlbums(r.Context(), als)
searchResult3.Song = childrenFromMediaFiles(r.Context(), mfs)
searchResult3.Album = childrenFromAlbums(ctx, als)
searchResult3.Song = childrenFromMediaFiles(ctx, mfs)
response.SearchResult3 = searchResult3
return response, nil