
92 lines
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package engine_test
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestCover(t *testing.T) {
Init(t, false)
ds := &persistence.MockDataStore{}
mockMediaFileRepo := ds.MediaFile(nil).(*persistence.MockMediaFile)
mockAlbumRepo := ds.Album(nil).(*persistence.MockAlbum)
cover := engine.NewCover(ds)
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
Convey("Subject: GetCoverArt Endpoint", t, func() {
Convey("When id is not found", func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "1", 0, out)
Convey("Then return default cover", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out.Bytes(), ShouldMatchMD5, "963552b04e87a5a55e993f98a0fbdf82")
Convey("When id is found", func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"2","HasCoverArt":true,"Path":"tests/fixtures/01 Invisible (RED) Edit Version.mp3"}]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "2", 0, out)
Convey("Then it should return the cover from the file", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out.Bytes(), ShouldMatchMD5, "e859a71cd1b1aaeb1ad437d85b306668")
Convey("When there is an error accessing the database", func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"2","HasCoverArt":true,"Path":"tests/fixtures/01 Invisible (RED) Edit Version.mp3"}]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "2", 0, out)
Convey("Then error should not be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("When id is found but file is not present", func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"2","HasCoverArt":true,"Path":"tests/fixtures/NOT_FOUND.mp3"}]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "2", 0, out)
Convey("Then it should return DatNotFound error", func() {
So(err, ShouldEqual, model.ErrNotFound)
Convey("When specifying a size", func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"2","HasCoverArt":true,"Path":"tests/fixtures/01 Invisible (RED) Edit Version.mp3"}]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "2", 100, out)
Convey("Then image returned should be 100x100", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out.Bytes(), ShouldMatchMD5, "04378f523ca3e8ead33bf7140d39799e")
img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(out.Bytes()))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(img.Bounds().Max.X, ShouldEqual, 100)
So(img.Bounds().Max.Y, ShouldEqual, 100)
Convey("When id is for an album", func() {
mockAlbumRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"1","CoverArtPath":"tests/fixtures/01 Invisible (RED) Edit Version.mp3"}]`, 1)
err := cover.Get(context.TODO(), "al-1", 0, out)
Convey("Then it should return the cover for the album", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out.Bytes(), ShouldMatchMD5, "e859a71cd1b1aaeb1ad437d85b306668")
Reset(func() {
mockMediaFileRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
out = new(bytes.Buffer)