
32 lines
737 B

package api_test
import (
. ""
func TestPing(t *testing.T) {
tests.Init(t, false)
_, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/ping.view"), "TestPing")
Convey("Subject: Ping Endpoint", t, func() {
Convey("Status code should be 200", func() {
So(w.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("The result should not be empty", func() {
So(w.Body.Len(), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
Convey("The result should be a valid ping response", func() {
v := responses.Subsonic{}
xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "ok")
So(v.Version, ShouldEqual, "1.0.0")