
145 lines
5.1 KiB

GO_VERSION=$(shell grep "^go " go.mod | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
NODE_VERSION=$(shell cat .nvmrc)
GIT_SHA=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
GIT_TAG=$(shell git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
setup: check_env download-deps ##@1_Run_First Install dependencies and prepare development environment
@echo Downloading Node dependencies...
@(cd ./ui && npm ci)
.PHONY: setup
dev: check_env ##@Development Start Navidrome in development mode, with hot-reload for both frontend and backend
npx foreman -j -p 4533 start
.PHONY: dev
server: check_go_env ##@Development Start the backend in development mode
@go run -d none -c reflex.conf
.PHONY: server
wire: check_go_env ##@Development Update Dependency Injection
go run ./...
.PHONY: wire
watch: ##@Development Start Go tests in watch mode (re-run when code changes)
go run watch -notify ./...
.PHONY: watch
test: ##@Development Run Go tests
go test ./...
.PHONY: test
testall: test ##@Development Run Go and JS tests
@(cd ./ui && npm test -- --watchAll=false)
.PHONY: testall
lint: ##@Development Lint Go code
go run run -v --timeout 5m
.PHONY: lint
lintall: lint ##@Development Lint Go and JS code
@(cd ./ui && npm run check-formatting && npm run lint)
.PHONY: lintall
update-snapshots: ##@Development Update Snapshot tests
UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true go run ./server/subsonic/...
.PHONY: update-snapshots
migration: ##@Development Create an empty migration file
@if [ -z "${name}" ]; then echo "Usage: make migration name=name_of_migration_file"; exit 1; fi
go run -dir db/migration create ${name}
.PHONY: migration
setup-dev: setup
.PHONY: setup-dev
setup-git: ##@Development Setup Git hooks (pre-commit and pre-push)
@echo Setting up git hooks
@mkdir -p .git/hooks
@(cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../git/* .)
.PHONY: setup-git
buildall: buildjs build ##@Build Build the project, both frontend and backend
.PHONY: buildall
build: check_go_env ##@Build Build only backend
go build -ldflags="-X$(GIT_SHA) -X$(GIT_TAG)-SNAPSHOT" -tags=netgo
.PHONY: build
buildjs: check_node_env ##@Build Build only frontend
@(cd ./ui && npm run build)
.PHONY: buildjs
all: ##@Cross_Compilation Build binaries for all supported platforms. It does not build the frontend
docker run -t -v $(PWD):/workspace -w /workspace deluan/ci-goreleaser:$(CI_RELEASER_VERSION) \
goreleaser release --rm-dist --skip-publish --snapshot
.PHONY: all
single: ##@Cross_Compilation Build binaries for a single supported platforms. It does not build the frontend
@if [ -z "${GOOS}" -o -z "${GOARCH}" ]; then \
echo "Usage: GOOS=<os> GOARCH=<arch> make single"; \
echo "Options:"; \
grep -- "- id: navidrome_" .goreleaser.yml | sed 's/- id: navidrome_//g'; \
exit 1; \
@echo "Building binaries for ${GOOS}/${GOARCH}"
docker run -t -v $(PWD):/workspace -e GOOS -e GOARCH -w /workspace deluan/ci-goreleaser:$(CI_RELEASER_VERSION) \
goreleaser build --rm-dist --snapshot --single-target --id navidrome_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}
.PHONY: single
#### Miscellaneous
@if [[ ! "${V}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$$ ]]; then echo "Usage: make release V=X.X.X"; exit 1; fi
go mod tidy
@if [ -n "`git status -s`" ]; then echo "\n\nThere are pending changes. Please commit or stash first"; exit 1; fi
make pre-push
git tag v${V}
git push origin v${V} --no-verify
.PHONY: release
@echo Downloading Go dependencies...
@go mod download -x
@go mod tidy # To revert any changes made by the `go mod download` command
.PHONY: download-deps
check_env: check_go_env check_node_env
.PHONY: check_env
@(hash go) || (echo "\nERROR: GO environment not setup properly!\n"; exit 1)
@current_go_version=`go version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -c3-` && \
echo "$(GO_VERSION) $$current_go_version" | \
tr ' ' '\n' | sort -V | tail -1 | \
grep -q "^$${current_go_version}$$" || \
(echo "\nERROR: Please upgrade your GO version\nThis project requires at least the version $(GO_VERSION)"; exit 1)
.PHONY: check_go_env
@(hash node) || (echo "\nERROR: Node environment not setup properly!\n"; exit 1)
@current_node_version=`node --version` && \
echo "$(NODE_VERSION) $$current_node_version" | \
tr ' ' '\n' | sort -V | tail -1 | \
grep -q "^$${current_node_version}$$" || \
(echo "\nERROR: Please check your Node version. Should be at least $(NODE_VERSION)\n"; exit 1)
.PHONY: check_node_env
pre-push: lintall testall
.PHONY: pre-push
%help; while(<>){push@{$$help{$$2//'options'}},[$$1,$$3] \
if/^([\w-_]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@(\w+))?\s(.*)$$/}; \
print"$$_:\n", map" $$_->[0]".(" "x(20-length($$_->[0])))."$$_->[1]\n",\
@{$$help{$$_}},"\n" for sort keys %help; \
help: ##@Miscellaneous Show this help
@echo "Usage: make [target] ...\n"
@perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)