
153 lines
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package persistence
import (
. ""
const bookmarkTable = "bookmark"
func (r sqlRepository) withBookmark(sql SelectBuilder, idField string) SelectBuilder {
return sql.
LeftJoin("bookmark on (" +
"bookmark.item_id = " + idField +
" AND bookmark.item_type = '" + r.tableName + "'" +
" AND bookmark.user_id = '" + userId(r.ctx) + "')").
Columns("position as bookmark_position")
func (r sqlRepository) bmkID(itemID ...string) And {
return And{
Eq{bookmarkTable + ".user_id": userId(r.ctx)},
Eq{bookmarkTable + ".item_type": r.tableName},
Eq{bookmarkTable + ".item_id": itemID},
func (r sqlRepository) bmkUpsert(itemID, comment string, position int64) error {
client, _ := request.ClientFrom(r.ctx)
user, _ := request.UserFrom(r.ctx)
values := map[string]interface{}{
"comment": comment,
"position": position,
"updated_at": time.Now(),
"changed_by": client,
upd := Update(bookmarkTable).Where(r.bmkID(itemID)).SetMap(values)
c, err := r.executeSQL(upd)
if err == nil {
log.Debug(r.ctx, "Updated bookmark", "id", itemID, "user", user.UserName, "position", position, "comment", comment)
if c == 0 || errors.Is(err, orm.ErrNoRows) {
values["user_id"] = user.ID
values["item_type"] = r.tableName
values["item_id"] = itemID
values["created_at"] = time.Now()
values["updated_at"] = time.Now()
ins := Insert(bookmarkTable).SetMap(values)
_, err = r.executeSQL(ins)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug(r.ctx, "Added bookmark", "id", itemID, "user", user.UserName, "position", position, "comment", comment)
return err
func (r sqlRepository) AddBookmark(id, comment string, position int64) error {
user, _ := request.UserFrom(r.ctx)
err := r.bmkUpsert(id, comment, position)
if err != nil {
log.Error(r.ctx, "Error adding bookmark", "id", id, "user", user.UserName, "position", position, "comment", comment)
return err
func (r sqlRepository) DeleteBookmark(id string) error {
user, _ := request.UserFrom(r.ctx)
del := Delete(bookmarkTable).Where(r.bmkID(id))
_, err := r.executeSQL(del)
if err != nil {
log.Error(r.ctx, "Error removing bookmark", "id", id, "user", user.UserName)
return err
type bookmark struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id" orm:"column(user_id)"`
ItemID string `json:"item_id" orm:"column(item_id)"`
ItemType string `json:"item_type"`
Comment string `json:"comment"`
Position int64 `json:"position"`
ChangedBy string `json:"changed_by"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
func (r sqlRepository) GetBookmarks() (model.Bookmarks, error) {
user, _ := request.UserFrom(r.ctx)
idField := r.tableName + ".id"
sql := r.newSelectWithAnnotation(idField).Columns("*")
sql = r.withBookmark(sql, idField).Where(NotEq{bookmarkTable + ".item_id": nil})
var mfs model.MediaFiles
err := r.queryAll(sql, &mfs)
if err != nil {
log.Error(r.ctx, "Error getting mediafiles with bookmarks", "user", user.UserName, err)
return nil, err
ids := make([]string, len(mfs))
mfMap := make(map[string]int)
for i, mf := range mfs {
ids[i] = mf.ID
mfMap[mf.ID] = i
sql = Select("*").From(bookmarkTable).Where(r.bmkID(ids...))
var bmks []bookmark
err = r.queryAll(sql, &bmks)
if err != nil {
log.Error(r.ctx, "Error getting bookmarks", "user", user.UserName, "ids", ids, err)
return nil, err
resp := make(model.Bookmarks, len(bmks))
for i, bmk := range bmks {
if itemIdx, ok := mfMap[bmk.ItemID]; !ok {
log.Debug(r.ctx, "Invalid bookmark", "id", bmk.ItemID, "user", user.UserName)
} else {
resp[i] = model.Bookmark{
Comment: bmk.Comment,
Position: bmk.Position,
CreatedAt: bmk.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt: bmk.UpdatedAt,
ChangedBy: bmk.ChangedBy,
Item: mfs[itemIdx],
return resp, nil
func (r sqlRepository) cleanBookmarks() error {
del := Delete(bookmarkTable).Where(Eq{"item_type": r.tableName}).Where("item_id not in (select id from " + r.tableName + ")")
c, err := r.executeSQL(del)
if err != nil {
return err
if c > 0 {
log.Debug(r.ctx, "Clean-up bookmarks", "totalDeleted", c)
return nil