
402 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"languageName": "简体中文",
"resources": {
"song": {
"name": "歌曲 |||| 歌曲",
"fields": {
"albumArtist": "专辑歌手",
"duration": "时长",
"trackNumber": "歌曲序号",
"playCount": "播放次数",
"title": "曲名",
"artist": "歌手",
"album": "专辑",
"path": "文件路径",
"genre": "类型",
"compilation": "合辑",
"year": "发行年份",
"size": "文件大小",
"updatedAt": "更新于",
"bitRate": "比特率",
"discSubtitle": "字幕",
"starred": "收藏",
"comment": "注释",
"rating": "评分",
"quality": "品质",
"bpm": "BPM",
"playDate": "最后一次播放",
"channels": ""
"actions": {
"addToQueue": "加入播放列表",
"playNow": "立即播放",
"addToPlaylist": "加入歌单",
"shuffleAll": "全部随机播放",
"download": "下载",
"playNext": "下一首播放",
"info": ""
"album": {
"name": "专辑 |||| 专辑",
"fields": {
"albumArtist": "专辑歌手",
"artist": "歌手",
"duration": "时长",
"songCount": "歌曲数量",
"playCount": "播放次数",
"name": "名称",
"genre": "类型",
"compilation": "合辑",
"year": "发行年份",
"updatedAt": "更新于",
"comment": "注释",
"rating": "评分"
"actions": {
"playAll": "立即播放",
"playNext": "下首播放",
"addToQueue": "加入播放列表",
"shuffle": "随机播放",
"addToPlaylist": "加入歌单",
"download": "下载",
"info": ""
"lists": {
"all": "所有",
"random": "随机",
"recentlyAdded": "最近添加",
"recentlyPlayed": "最近播放",
"mostPlayed": "最多播放",
"starred": "收藏",
"topRated": "排行榜"
"artist": {
"name": "歌手 |||| 歌手",
"fields": {
"name": "名称",
"albumCount": "专辑数",
"songCount": "歌曲数",
"playCount": "播放次数",
"rating": "评分",
"genre": "类型"
"user": {
"name": "用户 |||| 用户",
"fields": {
"userName": "用户名",
"isAdmin": "是否管理员",
"lastLoginAt": "上次登录",
"updatedAt": "更新于",
"name": "名称",
"password": "密码",
"createdAt": "创建于",
"changePassword": "修改密码?",
"currentPassword": "当前密码",
"newPassword": "新密码",
"token": ""
"helperTexts": {
"name": "你名字的更改将在下次登录生效"
"notifications": {
"created": "用户已创建",
"updated": "用户已更新",
"deleted": "用户已删除"
"message": {
"listenBrainzToken": "",
"clickHereForToken": ""
"player": {
"name": "客户端 |||| 客户端",
"fields": {
"name": "名称",
"transcodingId": "转码编号",
"maxBitRate": "最大比特率",
"client": "客户端",
"userName": "用户名",
"lastSeen": "上次浏览",
"reportRealPath": "回报实际路径",
"scrobbleEnabled": ""
"transcoding": {
"name": "转码 |||| 转码",
"fields": {
"name": "名称",
"targetFormat": "目标格式",
"defaultBitRate": "默认比特率",
"command": "命令"
"playlist": {
"name": "歌单 |||| 歌单",
"fields": {
"name": "名称",
"duration": "时长",
"ownerName": "所有者",
"public": "公开",
"updatedAt": "更新于",
"createdAt": "创建于",
"songCount": "歌曲数",
"comment": "评论",
"sync": "自动导入",
"path": "导入"
"actions": {
"selectPlaylist": "选择歌单",
"addNewPlaylist": "新建 %{name}",
"export": "导出",
"makePublic": "",
"makePrivate": ""
"message": {
"duplicate_song": "添加重复的歌曲",
"song_exist": "部分选定的歌曲已在播放列表。继续添加或是略过它们?"
"ra": {
"auth": {
"welcome1": "感谢您安装Navidrome!",
"welcome2": "开始使用前,请创建一个管理员账户",
"confirmPassword": "确认密码",
"buttonCreateAdmin": "创建管理员",
"auth_check_error": "请登录访问更多内容",
"user_menu": "配置",
"username": "用户名",
"password": "密码",
"sign_in": "登录",
"sign_in_error": "验证失败, 请重试",
"logout": "注销"
"validation": {
"invalidChars": "请使用字母和数字",
"passwordDoesNotMatch": "密码不匹配",
"required": "必填",
"minLength": "必须不少于 %{min} 个字符",
"maxLength": "必须不多于 %{max} 个字符",
"minValue": "必须不小于 %{min}",
"maxValue": "必须不大于 %{max}",
"number": "必须为数字",
"email": "必须是有效的电子邮箱",
"oneOf": "必须为: %{options}其中一项",
"regex": "必须符合指定的格式 (正则表达式): %{pattern}",
"unique": "必须唯一"
"action": {
"add_filter": "添加筛选",
"add": "添加",
"back": "返回",
"bulk_actions": "选中%{smart_count}项",
"cancel": "取消",
"clear_input_value": "清除",
"clone": "复制",
"confirm": "确认",
"create": "新建",
"delete": "删除",
"edit": "编辑",
"export": "导出",
"list": "列表",
"refresh": "刷新",
"remove_filter": "取消筛选",
"remove": "删除",
"save": "保存",
"search": "搜索",
"show": "显示",
"sort": "排序",
"undo": "撤销",
"expand": "展开",
"close": "关闭",
"open_menu": "打开菜单",
"close_menu": "关闭菜单",
"unselect": "未选择",
"skip": "取消"
"boolean": {
"true": "是",
"false": "否"
"page": {
"create": "新建 %{name}",
"dashboard": "仪表盘",
"edit": "%{name} #%{id}",
"error": "发生错误",
"list": "%{name}",
"loading": "加载中",
"not_found": "未找到",
"show": "%{name} #%{id}",
"empty": "还没有 %{name}.",
"invite": "您要创建一个吗?"
"input": {
"file": {
"upload_several": "拖拽多个文件上传或点击选择一个",
"upload_single": "拖拽单个文件上传或点击选择一个"
"image": {
"upload_several": "拖拽多个图片上传或点击选择一个",
"upload_single": "拖拽单个图片上传或点击选择一个"
"references": {
"all_missing": "未找到参考数据.",
"many_missing": "至少有一条参考数据不再可用.",
"single_missing": "关联的参考数据不再可用."
"password": {
"toggle_visible": "隐藏密码",
"toggle_hidden": "显示密码"
"message": {
"about": "关于",
"are_you_sure": "您确定要进行此操作?",
"bulk_delete_content": "您确定要删除 %{name}? |||| 您确定要删除 %{smart_count} 项?",
"bulk_delete_title": "删除 %{name} |||| 删除 %{smart_count}项 %{name}",
"delete_content": "您确定要删除该条目?",
"delete_title": "删除 %{name} #%{id}",
"details": "详情",
"error": "发生一个客户端错误,您的请求无法完成。",
"invalid_form": "提交内容无效. 请检查错误",
"loading": "正在加载页面, 请稍候",
"no": "否",
"not_found": "您输入的链接格式不对或链接丢失",
"yes": "是",
"unsaved_changes": "某些更改尚未保存。您确定要离开此页面吗?"
"navigation": {
"no_results": "无内容",
"no_more_results": "页码 %{page} 超出边界. 试试上一页.",
"page_out_of_boundaries": "页码 %{page} 超出边界",
"page_out_from_end": "已经最后一页",
"page_out_from_begin": "已经是第一页",
"page_range_info": "%{offsetBegin}-%{offsetEnd} / %{total}",
"page_rows_per_page": "每页行数:",
"next": "下一页",
"prev": "上一页",
"skip_nav": "跳过"
"notification": {
"updated": "项已更新 |||| %{smart_count} 项已更新",
"created": "项已新建",
"deleted": "项已删除 |||| %{smart_count} 项已删除",
"bad_item": "不正确的项",
"item_doesnt_exist": "项不存在",
"http_error": "与服务通信出错",
"data_provider_error": "数据来源错误. 请检查控制台的详细信息",
"i18n_error": "加载所选语言时出错",
"canceled": "操作已取消",
"logged_out": "您的会话已结束,请重新登录",
"new_version": "发现新版本!请刷新窗口"
"toggleFieldsMenu": {
"columnsToDisplay": "显示的项",
"layout": "布局",
"grid": "网格",
"table": "表格"
"message": {
"note": "说明",
"transcodingDisabled": "出于安全原因禁用了从Web界面更改参数。要更改编辑或删除转码选项请在启用{config}选项的情况下重新启动服务器。",
"transcodingEnabled": "Navidrome当前与{config}一起使用可以从Web界面执行任意命令。建议仅在配置Transcoding时启用此功能。",
"songsAddedToPlaylist": "已添加一首歌到歌单||||已添加%{smart_count}首歌到歌单",
"noPlaylistsAvailable": "没有有效的歌单",
"delete_user_title": "删除用户 {name}",
"delete_user_content": "您确定要删除该用户及其相关数据(包括歌单和用户配置)吗?",
"notifications_blocked": "您已在浏览器的设置中屏蔽了此网站的通知",
"notifications_not_available": "此浏览器不支持桌面通知",
"lastfmLinkSuccess": "Last.fm已关联并启用喜好记录",
"lastfmLinkFailure": "Last.fm无法关联",
"lastfmUnlinkSuccess": "Last.fm未关联并禁止喜好记录",
"lastfmUnlinkFailure": "Last.fm无法取消关联",
"openIn": {
"lastfm": "",
"musicbrainz": ""
"lastfmLink": "",
"listenBrainzLinkSuccess": "",
"listenBrainzLinkFailure": "",
"listenBrainzUnlinkSuccess": "",
"listenBrainzUnlinkFailure": ""
"menu": {
"library": "曲库",
"settings": "设置",
"version": "版本",
"theme": "主题",
"personal": {
"name": "个性化",
"options": {
"theme": "主题",
"language": "语言",
"defaultView": "默认界面",
"desktop_notifications": "桌面通知",
"lastfmScrobbling": "启用Last.fm的喜好记录",
"listenBrainzScrobbling": ""
"albumList": "专辑",
"about": "关于",
"playlists": "歌单",
"sharedPlaylists": "共享歌单"
"player": {
"playListsText": "播放列表",
"openText": "打开",
"closeText": "关闭",
"notContentText": "没有音乐",
"clickToPlayText": "点击播放",
"clickToPauseText": "点击暂停",
"nextTrackText": "下一首",
"previousTrackText": "上一首",
"reloadText": "重新播放",
"volumeText": "音量",
"toggleLyricText": "切换歌词",
"toggleMiniModeText": "最小化",
"destroyText": "损坏",
"downloadText": "下载",
"removeAudioListsText": "清空播放列表",
"clickToDeleteText": "点击删除 %{name}",
"emptyLyricText": "无歌词",
"playModeText": {
"order": "顺序播放",
"orderLoop": "列表循环",
"singleLoop": "单曲循环",
"shufflePlay": "随机播放"
"about": {
"links": {
"homepage": "主页",
"source": "源代码",
"featureRequests": "功能需求"
"activity": {
"title": "运行情况",
"totalScanned": "已完成扫描的目录",
"quickScan": "快速扫描",
"fullScan": "完全扫描",
"serverUptime": "服务器已运行",
"serverDown": "服务器已离线"
"help": {
"title": "Navidrome快捷键",
"hotkeys": {
"show_help": "显示此帮助",
"toggle_menu": "显示/隐藏菜单侧栏",
"toggle_play": "播放 / 暂停",
"prev_song": "上一首歌",
"next_song": "下一首歌",
"vol_up": "增大音量",
"vol_down": "减小音量",
"toggle_love": "添加/移除星标"