
187 lines
6.9 KiB

package api_test
//import (
// "testing"
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// . ""
// ""
// . ""
//func TestGetMusicFolders(t *testing.T) {
// Init(t, false)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicFolders.view"), "TestGetMusicFolders")
// Convey("Subject: GetMusicFolders Endpoint", t, func() {
// Convey("Status code should be 200", func() {
// So(w.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
// })
// Convey("The response should include the default folder", func() {
// So(UnindentJSON(w.Body.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, `{"musicFolder":[{"id":"0","name":"iTunes Library"}]}`)
// })
// })
//const (
// emptyResponse = `{"indexes":{"ignoredArticles":"The El La Los Las Le Les Os As O A","lastModified":"1"}`
//func TestGetIndexes(t *testing.T) {
// Init(t, false)
// mockRepo := persistence.CreateMockArtistIndexRepo()
// utils.DefineSingleton(new(domain.ArtistIndexRepository), func() domain.ArtistIndexRepository {
// return mockRepo
// })
// propRepo := engine.CreateMockPropertyRepo()
// utils.DefineSingleton(new(engine.PropertyRepository), func() engine.PropertyRepository {
// return propRepo
// })
// mockRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
// mockRepo.SetError(false)
// propRepo.Put(engine.PropLastScan, "1")
// propRepo.SetError(false)
// Convey("Subject: GetIndexes Endpoint", t, func() {
// Convey("Return fail on Index Table error", func() {
// mockRepo.SetError(true)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view", "ifModifiedSince=0"), "TestGetIndexes")
// So(w.Body, ShouldReceiveError, responses.ErrorGeneric)
// })
// Convey("Return fail on Property Table error", func() {
// propRepo.SetError(true)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view"), "TestGetIndexes")
// So(w.Body, ShouldReceiveError, responses.ErrorGeneric)
// })
// Convey("When the index is empty", func() {
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view"), "TestGetIndexes")
// Convey("Status code should be 200", func() {
// So(w.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
// })
// Convey("Then it should return an empty collection", func() {
// So(UnindentJSON(w.Body.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, emptyResponse)
// })
// })
// Convey("When the index is not empty", func() {
// mockRepo.SetData(`[{"Id": "A","Artists": [
// {"ArtistId": "21", "Artist": "Afrolicious"}
// ]}]`, 2)
// SkipConvey("Then it should return the the items in the response", func() {
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view"), "TestGetIndexes")
// So(w.Body.String(), ShouldContainSubstring,
// `<index name="A"><artist id="21" name="Afrolicious"></artist></index>`)
// })
// })
// Convey("And it should return empty if 'ifModifiedSince' is more recent than the index", func() {
// mockRepo.SetData(`[{"Id": "A","Artists": [
// {"ArtistId": "21", "Artist": "Afrolicious"}
// ]}]`, 2)
// propRepo.Put(engine.PropLastScan, "1")
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view", "ifModifiedSince=2"), "TestGetIndexes")
// So(UnindentJSON(w.Body.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, emptyResponse)
// })
// Convey("And it should return empty if 'ifModifiedSince' is the same as the index last update", func() {
// mockRepo.SetData(`[{"Id": "A","Artists": [
// {"ArtistId": "21", "Artist": "Afrolicious"}
// ]}]`, 2)
// propRepo.Put(engine.PropLastScan, "1")
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getIndexes.view", "ifModifiedSince=1"), "TestGetIndexes")
// So(UnindentJSON(w.Body.Bytes()), ShouldContainSubstring, emptyResponse)
// })
// Reset(func() {
// mockRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
// mockRepo.SetError(false)
// propRepo.Put(engine.PropLastScan, "1")
// propRepo.SetError(false)
// })
// })
//func TestGetMusicDirectory(t *testing.T) {
// Init(t, false)
// mockArtistRepo := persistence.CreateMockArtistRepo()
// utils.DefineSingleton(new(domain.ArtistRepository), func() domain.ArtistRepository {
// return mockArtistRepo
// })
// mockAlbumRepo := persistence.CreateMockAlbumRepo()
// utils.DefineSingleton(new(domain.AlbumRepository), func() domain.AlbumRepository {
// return mockAlbumRepo
// })
// mockMediaFileRepo := persistence.CreateMockMediaFileRepo()
// utils.DefineSingleton(new(domain.MediaFileRepository), func() domain.MediaFileRepository {
// return mockMediaFileRepo
// })
// Convey("Subject: GetMusicDirectory Endpoint", t, func() {
// Convey("Should fail if missing Id parameter", func() {
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldReceiveError, responses.ErrorMissingParameter)
// })
// Convey("Id is for an artist", func() {
// Convey("Return fail on Artist Table error", func() {
// mockArtistRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"1","Name":"The Charlatans"}]`, 1)
// mockArtistRepo.SetError(true)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view", "id=1"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldReceiveError, responses.ErrorGeneric)
// })
// })
// Convey("When id is not found", func() {
// mockArtistRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"1","Name":"The Charlatans"}]`, 1)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view", "id=NOT_FOUND"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldReceiveError, responses.ErrorDataNotFound)
// })
// Convey("When id matches an artist", func() {
// mockArtistRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"1","Name":"The KLF"}]`, 1)
// Convey("Without albums", func() {
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view", "id=1"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldContainJSON, `"id":"1","name":"The KLF"`)
// })
// Convey("With albums", func() {
// mockAlbumRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"A","Name":"Tardis","ArtistId":"1"}]`, 1)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view", "id=1"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldContainJSON, `"child":[{"album":"Tardis","albumId":"A","artistId":"1","id":"A","isDir":true,"parent":"1","title":"Tardis"}]`)
// })
// })
// Convey("When id matches an album with tracks", func() {
// mockArtistRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"2","Name":"Céu"}]`, 1)
// mockAlbumRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"A","Name":"Vagarosa","ArtistId":"2"}]`, 1)
// mockMediaFileRepo.SetData(`[{"Id":"3","Title":"Cangote","AlbumId":"A"}]`, 1)
// _, w := Get(AddParams("/rest/getMusicDirectory.view", "id=A"), "TestGetMusicDirectory")
// So(w.Body, ShouldContainJSON, `"child":[{"albumId":"A","id":"3","isDir":false,"parent":"A","title":"Cangote","type":"music"}]`)
// })
// Reset(func() {
// mockArtistRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
// mockArtistRepo.SetError(false)
// mockAlbumRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
// mockAlbumRepo.SetError(false)
// mockMediaFileRepo.SetData("[]", 0)
// mockMediaFileRepo.SetError(false)
// })
// })