
117 lines
3.6 KiB

package api_test
//import (
// "encoding/xml"
// "fmt"
// "testing"
// "context"
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// . ""
//func TestCheckParams(t *testing.T) {
// tests.Init(t, false)
// _, w := Get("/rest/ping.view", "TestCheckParams")
// Convey("Subject: CheckParams\n", t, func() {
// Convey("Status code should be 200", func() {
// So(w.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
// })
// Convey("The errorCode should be 10", func() {
// So(w.Body.String(), ShouldContainSubstring, `error code="10" message=`)
// })
// Convey("The status should be 'fail'", func() {
// v := responses.Subsonic{}
// xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
// So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "fail")
// })
// })
//func TestAuthentication(t *testing.T) {
// tests.Init(t, false)
// Convey("Subject: Authentication", t, func() {
// _, w := Get("/rest/ping.view?u=INVALID&p=INVALID&c=test&v=1.0.0", "TestAuthentication")
// Convey("Status code should be 200", func() {
// So(w.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
// })
// Convey("The errorCode should be 10", func() {
// So(w.Body.String(), ShouldContainSubstring, `error code="40" message=`)
// })
// Convey("The status should be 'fail'", func() {
// v := responses.Subsonic{}
// xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
// So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "fail")
// })
// })
// Convey("Subject: Authentication Valid", t, func() {
// _, w := Get("/rest/ping.view?u=deluan&p=wordpass&c=test&v=1.0.0", "TestAuthentication")
// Convey("The status should be 'ok'", func() {
// v := responses.Subsonic{}
// xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
// So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "ok")
// })
// })
// Convey("Subject: Password encoded", t, func() {
// _, w := Get("/rest/ping.view?u=deluan&p=enc:776f726470617373&c=test&v=1.0.0", "TestAuthentication")
// Convey("The status should be 'ok'", func() {
// v := responses.Subsonic{}
// xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
// So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "ok")
// })
// })
// Convey("Subject: Token-based authentication", t, func() {
// salt := "retnlmjetrymazgkt"
// token := "23b342970e25c7928831c3317edd0b67"
// _, w := Get(fmt.Sprintf("/rest/ping.view?u=deluan&s=%s&t=%s&c=test&v=1.0.0", salt, token), "TestAuthentication")
// Convey("The status should be 'ok'", func() {
// v := responses.Subsonic{}
// xml.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &v)
// So(v.Status, ShouldEqual, "ok")
// })
// })
//type mockController struct {
// api.BaseAPIController
//func (c *mockController) Get() {
// actualContext = c.Ctx.Input.GetData("context").(context.Context)
// c.Ctx.WriteString("OK")
//var actualContext context.Context
//func TestContext(t *testing.T) {
// tests.Init(t, false)
// beego.Router("/rest/mocktest", &mockController{})
// Convey("Subject: Context", t, func() {
// _, w := GetWithHeader("/rest/mocktest?u=deluan&p=wordpass&c=testClient&v=1.0.0", "X-Request-Id", "123123", "TestContext")
// Convey("The status should be 'OK'", func() {
// resp := string(w.Body.Bytes())
// So(resp, ShouldEqual, "OK")
// })
// Convey("user should be set", func() {
// So(actualContext.Value("user"), ShouldEqual, "deluan")
// })
// Convey("client should be set", func() {
// So(actualContext.Value("client"), ShouldEqual, "testClient")
// })
// Convey("version should be set", func() {
// So(actualContext.Value("version"), ShouldEqual, "1.0.0")
// })
// Convey("context should be set", func() {
// So(actualContext.Value("requestId"), ShouldEqual, "123123")
// })
// })