
138 lines
3.5 KiB

// Based on
package events
import (
type Broker interface {
SendMessage(event Event)
type broker struct {
// Events are pushed to this channel by the main events-gathering routine
notifier chan []byte
// New client connections
newClients chan chan []byte
// Closed client connections
closingClients chan chan []byte
// Client connections registry
clients map[chan []byte]bool
func NewBroker() Broker {
// Instantiate a broker
broker := &broker{
notifier: make(chan []byte, 100),
newClients: make(chan chan []byte),
closingClients: make(chan chan []byte),
clients: make(map[chan []byte]bool),
// Set it running - listening and broadcasting events
go broker.listen()
return broker
func (broker *broker) SendMessage(event Event) {
pkg := struct {
Event `json:"data"`
Name string `json:"name"`
pkg.Name = event.EventName()
pkg.Event = event
data, _ := json.Marshal(pkg)
log.Trace("Broker received new event", "name", pkg.Name, "payload", string(data))
broker.notifier <- data
func (broker *broker) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Make sure that the writer supports flushing.
flusher, ok := rw.(http.Flusher)
username, _ := request.UsernameFrom(req.Context())
if !ok {
log.Error(rw, "Streaming unsupported! Events cannot be sent to this client", "address", req.RemoteAddr,
"userAgent", req.UserAgent(), "user", username)
http.Error(rw, "Streaming unsupported!", http.StatusInternalServerError)
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
rw.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-transform")
rw.Header().Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
rw.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
// Each connection registers its own message channel with the Broker's connections registry
messageChan := make(chan []byte)
// Signal the broker that we have a new connection
broker.newClients <- messageChan
// Remove this client from the map of connected clients
// when this handler exits.
defer func() {
broker.closingClients <- messageChan
// Listen to connection close and un-register messageChan
notify := req.Context().Done()
go func() {
broker.closingClients <- messageChan
for {
// Write to the ResponseWriter
// Server Sent Events compatible
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(rw, "data: %s\n\n", <-messageChan)
// Flush the data immediately instead of buffering it for later.
func (broker *broker) listen() {
keepAlive := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
defer keepAlive.Stop()
for {
select {
case s := <-broker.newClients:
// A new client has connected.
// Register their message channel
broker.clients[s] = true
log.Debug("Client added to event broker", "numClients", len(broker.clients))
case s := <-broker.closingClients:
// A client has dettached and we want to
// stop sending them messages.
delete(broker.clients, s)
log.Debug("Removed client from event broker", "numClients", len(broker.clients))
case event := <-broker.notifier:
// We got a new event from the outside!
// Send event to all connected clients
for clientMessageChan := range broker.clients {
clientMessageChan <- event
case ts := <-keepAlive.C:
// Send a keep alive packet every 15 seconds
broker.SendMessage(&KeepAlive{TS: ts.Unix()})