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Hosting Servers

Configuration Files

The two primary files for server configuration are system\RavenShield.ini and system\Server.ini. Here are some common settings you may want to change:

  • In RavenShield.ini
    • If necessary, change the values of the server ports.
      • Port: Default value is 6777
      • ServerBeaconPort: Set to Port plus 1000
      • BeaconPort: Set to Port plus 2000
      • m_iRegSvrPort: Set to Port minus 1000
      • m_iRSCDKeyPort: Set to Port minus 2000
      • m_iModCDKeyPort: Set to Port plus 3000
    • If hosting custom content, you will need to also purchase web hosting in order to avoid slow download speeds for players. Configure a file server with the content your players will need to download, and set RedirectToURL to its URL. See CUSTOM.md for more info
  • In Server.ini
    • Under [Engine.R6ServerInfo]
      • ServerName should contain the name of your server
      • MOTD will be shown to players when they connect
      • DedicatedServer and Internet Server should be set to True
      • MaxPlayers should be set to the number of player slots
      • RoundTime is the length of each round in seconds
      • BetweenRoundTime is how long players have to select their gear
      • RoundsPerMatch sets the number of rounds before the map rotates
      • RotateMap, aka "rotate map on success", will prevent map rotation until a successful round in co-op when set to True
      • UsePassword should be set to False for public servers
      • AdminPassword should be set and UseAdminPassword should be set to True
      • FriendlyFire may be set to False if desired
      • ForceFPersonWeapon should be set to True
      • CamThirdPerson, CamFreeThirdPerson, and CamGhost can be disabled for adversarial mode
      • CamTeamOnly should be set to False in co-op mode
      • NbTerro is the number of opponents in co-op mode
      • DiffLevel sets the NPC difficulty. Default is 2
      • AIBkp may be set to False to disable AI followers in co-op mode
    • Under [Engine.R6MapList]
      • There is room for up to 32 maps in the map list. Each position in the list has an index (0-31) and two values to set:
        • GameType should be R6Game.R6TeamDeathMatchGame for PVP or R6Game.R6TerroristHuntCoopGame for PVE. See game documentation for more mode names.
        • Maps should be set to the name of the map you want in the rotation. Each Maps[] entry must have a corresponding GameType[] entry.

Method 1 (easy): VPS

This section will cover hosting a Raven Shield server with MarkMods.com. MarkMods is one of the few vendors to still offer Raven Shield gameservers.

  1. From the Raven Shield page, choose a number of player slots, a server location, and a billing frequency. Smaller servers will cost around $1/slot, while larger servers can be more efficient (around $0.50/slot).
  2. Finish the signup process.
  3. Open your server in the control panel.
    1. Under Control Panel, Stop the server.
    2. Under Configuration, make sure Use FTP config is enabled. Save at the bottom.
    3. Under File Manager, click Open In Fullscreen to start a minimal FTP client connected to your server. To open a file, click it in the UI. Save it to disk if you plan to make changes. To update a file, click Upload Files in the bottom left and choose the file to upload.
      1. Install OpenRVS by uploading its files according to the instructions.
      2. Replace system\R6GameService.dll with the prebuilt copy from this repo. This will eliminate another outbound call to Ubisoft's servers.
      3. Replace Mods\RavenShield.mod with the copy from this repo. This will enable the OpenRVS server code and beacon code.
      4. Edit RavenShield.ini and Server.ini as desired
        1. In RavenShield.ini, set the Port value to your assigned port from MarkMods. If connecting to your assigned port takes you to someone else's server, someone may have used your port. If this happens, add 10 to every port number and try again.
  4. Start the server again when finished. It should now be using the config files from the file manager.

When you finish, test your server and take note of your IP address and port number, and skip ahead to Publishing Your Server.

Method 2 (hard): Linux

This section will cover hosting a Raven Shield server with DigitalOcean Droplets. You can also use these steps with your own Linux hardware for self-hosted servers.

Note: This section assumes you have a copy of Rainbow Six 3: Gold.

A Raven Shield dedicated server running the base game content will use 1 CPU, 128MB of memory, and 1GB of disk space. In order to avoid running at capacity, look for VMs with 256MB of memory and 2GB of disk space.

If you want to run multiple servers, you may do so on a single Linux VM. Simply add 1 CPU, 256MB of memory, and 2GB of disk space for each additional server you want to run on the same instance.

  1. Create an account on DigitalOcean
  2. Start a Droplet running the latest Ubuntu Server LTS in your preferred region
  3. Log into your Droplet as root and run the following one-time setup commands:
    1. dpkg --add-architecture i386 (for 32-bit support)
    2. apt update && apt install wine wine32 (install 32-bit Wine to run Raven Shield)
  4. Still as root, create a non-root user which will run the server. Then run these commands:
    1. mkdir /opt/rs (create a place to store the game files)
    2. chown <YourUser> /opt/rs (give your user ownership of the game directory)
  5. Log into the Droplet as your non-root user
    1. Copy the game files to /opt/rs on the server
    2. Install OpenRVS by uploading its files according to the instructions.
    3. Replace system\R6GameService.dll with the prebuilt copy from this repo. This will eliminate another outbound call to Ubisoft's servers.
    4. Replace Mods\RavenShield.mod with the copy from this repo. This will enable the OpenRVS server code and beacon code.
    5. Enter the game's system directory with cd /opt/rs/system
    6. Start the game with wine UCC.exe server -ini=RavenShield.init -serverconf=Server.ini

This will start the server attached to your current terminal window. In order to reliably keep the process running and restart it when it crashes, create a systemd unit file, based on the docs here, which runs the wine command above.

When you finish, test your server and take note of your IP address and port number.

Publishing Your Server

Once the server is ready to go, join the Discord and enter the #general or #techsupport channel. Share the IP address and port number, as well as the name of the server and a bit of information about it.

Once the server is added to the list, it will automatically appear when searching for games in multiplayer. Until then, you can use your server by joining its IP.

Alternatively, if you don't want to wait or join by IP, you can run the openrvs-servers app and give your friends a copy of openrvs.ini with your app's IP in it.