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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file network_command.cpp Command handling over network connections. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "network_admin.h"
#include "network_client.h"
#include "network_server.h"
#include "../command_func.h"
#include "../company_func.h"
#include "../settings_type.h"
#include "../airport_cmd.h"
#include "../aircraft_cmd.h"
#include "../autoreplace_cmd.h"
#include "../company_cmd.h"
#include "../depot_cmd.h"
#include "../dock_cmd.h"
#include "../economy_cmd.h"
#include "../engine_cmd.h"
#include "../error_func.h"
#include "../goal_cmd.h"
#include "../group_cmd.h"
#include "../industry_cmd.h"
#include "../landscape_cmd.h"
#include "../league_cmd.h"
#include "../misc_cmd.h"
#include "../news_cmd.h"
#include "../object_cmd.h"
#include "../order_cmd.h"
#include "../rail_cmd.h"
#include "../road_cmd.h"
#include "../roadveh_cmd.h"
#include "../settings_cmd.h"
#include "../signs_cmd.h"
#include "../station_cmd.h"
#include "../story_cmd.h"
#include "../subsidy_cmd.h"
#include "../terraform_cmd.h"
#include "../timetable_cmd.h"
#include "../town_cmd.h"
#include "../train_cmd.h"
#include "../tree_cmd.h"
#include "../tunnelbridge_cmd.h"
#include "../vehicle_cmd.h"
#include "../viewport_cmd.h"
#include "../water_cmd.h"
#include "../waypoint_cmd.h"
#include "../script/script_cmd.h"
#include "../safeguards.h"
/** Typed list of all possible callbacks. */
static constexpr auto _callback_tuple = std::make_tuple(
(CommandCallback *)nullptr, // Make sure this is actually a pointer-to-function.
* We cast specialized function pointers to a generic one, but don't use the
* converted value to call the function, which is safe, except that GCC
* helpfully thinks it is not.
* "Any pointer to function can be converted to a pointer to a different function type.
* Calling the function through a pointer to a different function type is undefined,
* but converting such pointer back to pointer to the original function type yields
* the pointer to the original function." */
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type"
/* Helpers to generate the callback table from the callback list. */
inline constexpr size_t _callback_tuple_size = std::tuple_size_v<decltype(_callback_tuple)>;
template <size_t... i>
inline auto MakeCallbackTable(std::index_sequence<i...>) noexcept
return std::array<CommandCallback *, sizeof...(i)>{{ reinterpret_cast<CommandCallback *>(reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(std::get<i>(_callback_tuple)))... }}; // MingW64 fails linking when casting a pointer to its own type. To work around, cast it to some other type first.
/** Type-erased table of callbacks. */
static auto _callback_table = MakeCallbackTable(std::make_index_sequence<_callback_tuple_size>{});
template <typename T> struct CallbackArgsHelper;
template <typename... Targs>
struct CallbackArgsHelper<void(*const)(Commands, const CommandCost &, Targs...)> {
using Args = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Targs>...>;
/* Helpers to generate the command dispatch table from the command traits. */
template <Commands Tcmd> static CommandDataBuffer SanitizeCmdStrings(const CommandDataBuffer &data);
template <Commands Tcmd, size_t cb> static void UnpackNetworkCommand(const CommandPacket &cp);
template <Commands Tcmd> static void NetworkReplaceCommandClientId(CommandPacket &cp, ClientID client_id);
using UnpackNetworkCommandProc = void (*)(const CommandPacket &);
using UnpackDispatchT = std::array<UnpackNetworkCommandProc, _callback_tuple_size>;
struct CommandDispatch {
CommandDataBuffer(*Sanitize)(const CommandDataBuffer &);
void (*ReplaceClientId)(CommandPacket &, ClientID);
UnpackDispatchT Unpack;
template <Commands Tcmd, size_t Tcb>
constexpr UnpackNetworkCommandProc MakeUnpackNetworkCommandCallback() noexcept
/* Check if the callback matches with the command arguments. If not, don't generate an Unpack proc. */
using Tcallback = std::tuple_element_t<Tcb, decltype(_callback_tuple)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tcallback, CommandCallback * const> || // Callback type is CommandCallback.
std::is_same_v<Tcallback, CommandCallbackData * const> || // Callback type is CommandCallbackData.
std::is_same_v<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::CbArgs, typename CallbackArgsHelper<Tcallback>::Args> || // Callback proc takes all command return values and parameters.
(!std::is_void_v<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::RetTypes> && std::is_same_v<typename CallbackArgsHelper<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::RetCallbackProc const>::Args, typename CallbackArgsHelper<Tcallback>::Args>)) { // Callback return is more than CommandCost and the proc takes all return values.
return &UnpackNetworkCommand<Tcmd, Tcb>;
} else {
return nullptr;
template <Commands Tcmd, size_t... i>
constexpr UnpackDispatchT MakeUnpackNetworkCommand(std::index_sequence<i...>) noexcept
return UnpackDispatchT{{ MakeUnpackNetworkCommandCallback<Tcmd, i>()...}};
template <typename T, T... i, size_t... j>
inline constexpr auto MakeDispatchTable(std::integer_sequence<T, i...>, std::index_sequence<j...>) noexcept
return std::array<CommandDispatch, sizeof...(i)>{{ { &SanitizeCmdStrings<static_cast<Commands>(i)>, &NetworkReplaceCommandClientId<static_cast<Commands>(i)>, MakeUnpackNetworkCommand<static_cast<Commands>(i)>(std::make_index_sequence<_callback_tuple_size>{}) }... }};
/** Command dispatch table. */
static constexpr auto _cmd_dispatch = MakeDispatchTable(std::make_integer_sequence<std::underlying_type_t<Commands>, CMD_END>{}, std::make_index_sequence<_callback_tuple_size>{});
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/** Local queue of packets waiting for handling. */
static CommandQueue _local_wait_queue;
/** Local queue of packets waiting for execution. */
static CommandQueue _local_execution_queue;
* Find the callback index of a callback pointer.
* @param callback Address of callback to search for.
* @return Callback index or std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() if the function wasn't found in the callback list.
static size_t FindCallbackIndex(CommandCallback *callback)
if (auto it = std::find(std::cbegin(_callback_table), std::cend(_callback_table), callback); it != std::cend(_callback_table)) {
return static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(std::cbegin(_callback_table), it));
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
* Prepare a DoCommand to be send over the network
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param err_message Message prefix to show on error
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param company The company that wants to send the command
* @param cmd_data The command proc arguments.
void NetworkSendCommand(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, CompanyID company, const CommandDataBuffer &cmd_data)
CommandPacket c; = company;
c.cmd = cmd;
c.err_msg = err_message;
c.callback = callback; = cmd_data;
if (_network_server) {
/* If we are the server, we queue the command in our 'special' queue.
* In theory, we could execute the command right away, but then the
* client on the server can do everything 1 tick faster than others.
* So to keep the game fair, we delay the command with 1 tick
* which gives about the same speed as most clients.
c.frame = _frame_counter_max + 1;
c.my_cmd = true;
c.frame = 0; // The client can't tell which frame, so just make it 0
/* Clients send their command to the server and forget all about the packet */
* Sync our local command queue to the command queue of the given
* socket. This is needed for the case where we receive a command
* before saving the game for a joining client, but without the
* execution of those commands. Not syncing those commands means
* that the client will never get them and as such will be in a
* desynced state from the time it started with joining.
* @param cs The client to sync the queue to.
void NetworkSyncCommandQueue(NetworkClientSocket *cs)
for (auto &p : _local_execution_queue) {
CommandPacket &c = cs->outgoing_queue.emplace_back(p);
c.callback = nullptr;
* Execute all commands on the local command queue that ought to be executed this frame.
void NetworkExecuteLocalCommandQueue()
CommandQueue &queue = (_network_server ? _local_execution_queue : ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::my_client->incoming_queue);
auto cp = queue.begin();
for (; cp != queue.end(); cp++) {
/* The queue is always in order, which means
* that the first element will be executed first. */
if (_frame_counter < cp->frame) break;
if (_frame_counter > cp->frame) {
/* If we reach here, it means for whatever reason, we've already executed
* past the command we need to execute. */
FatalError("[net] Trying to execute a packet in the past!");
/* We can execute this command */
_current_company = cp->company;
size_t cb_index = FindCallbackIndex(cp->callback);
assert(cb_index < _callback_tuple_size);
assert(_cmd_dispatch[cp->cmd].Unpack[cb_index] != nullptr);
queue.erase(queue.begin(), cp);
/* Local company may have changed, so we should not restore the old value */
_current_company = _local_company;
* Free the local command queues.
void NetworkFreeLocalCommandQueue()
* "Send" a particular CommandPacket to all clients.
* @param cp The command that has to be distributed.
* @param owner The client that owns the command,
static void DistributeCommandPacket(CommandPacket &cp, const NetworkClientSocket *owner)
CommandCallback *callback = cp.callback;
cp.frame = _frame_counter_max + 1;
for (NetworkClientSocket *cs : NetworkClientSocket::Iterate()) {
if (cs->status >= NetworkClientSocket::STATUS_MAP) {
/* Callbacks are only send back to the client who sent them in the
* first place. This filters that out. */
cp.callback = (cs != owner) ? nullptr : callback;
cp.my_cmd = (cs == owner);
cp.callback = (nullptr != owner) ? nullptr : callback;
cp.my_cmd = (nullptr == owner);
* "Send" a particular CommandQueue to all clients.
* @param queue The queue of commands that has to be distributed.
* @param owner The client that owns the commands,
static void DistributeQueue(CommandQueue &queue, const NetworkClientSocket *owner)
/* When replaying we do not want this limitation. */
int to_go = UINT16_MAX;
int to_go =;
if (owner == nullptr) {
/* This is the server, use the commands_per_frame_server setting if higher */
to_go = std::max<int>(to_go,;
/* Not technically the most performant way, but consider clients rarely click more than once per tick. */
for (auto cp = queue.begin(); cp != queue.end(); /* removing some items */) {
/* Do not distribute commands when paused and the command is not allowed while paused. */
if (_pause_mode != PM_UNPAUSED && !IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(cp->cmd)) {
/* Limit the number of commands per client per tick. */
if (--to_go < 0) break;
DistributeCommandPacket(*cp, owner);
NetworkAdminCmdLogging(owner, *cp);
cp = queue.erase(cp);
/** Distribute the commands of ourself and the clients. */
void NetworkDistributeCommands()
/* First send the server's commands. */
DistributeQueue(_local_wait_queue, nullptr);
/* Then send the queues of the others. */
for (NetworkClientSocket *cs : NetworkClientSocket::Iterate()) {
DistributeQueue(cs->incoming_queue, cs);
* Receives a command from the network.
* @param p the packet to read from.
* @param cp the struct to write the data to.
* @return an error message. When nullptr there has been no error.
const char *NetworkGameSocketHandler::ReceiveCommand(Packet &p, CommandPacket &cp)
{ = (CompanyID)p.Recv_uint8();
cp.cmd = static_cast<Commands>(p.Recv_uint16());
if (!IsValidCommand(cp.cmd)) return "invalid command";
if (GetCommandFlags(cp.cmd) & CMD_OFFLINE) return "single-player only command";
cp.err_msg = p.Recv_uint16(); = _cmd_dispatch[cp.cmd].Sanitize(p.Recv_buffer());
byte callback = p.Recv_uint8();
if (callback >= _callback_table.size() || _cmd_dispatch[cp.cmd].Unpack[callback] == nullptr) return "invalid callback";
cp.callback = _callback_table[callback];
return nullptr;
* Sends a command over the network.
* @param p the packet to send it in.
* @param cp the packet to actually send.
void NetworkGameSocketHandler::SendCommand(Packet &p, const CommandPacket &cp)
size_t callback = FindCallbackIndex(cp.callback);
if (callback > UINT8_MAX || _cmd_dispatch[cp.cmd].Unpack[callback] == nullptr) {
Debug(net, 0, "Unknown callback for command; no callback sent (command: {})", cp.cmd);
callback = 0; // _callback_table[0] == nullptr
p.Send_uint8 ((uint8_t)callback);
/** Helper to process a single ClientID argument. */
template <class T>
static inline void SetClientIdHelper(T &data, [[maybe_unused]] ClientID client_id)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ClientID, T>) {
data = client_id;
/** Set all invalid ClientID's to the proper value. */
template<class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
static inline void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, ClientID client_id, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
((SetClientIdHelper(std::get<Tindices>(values), client_id)), ...);
template <Commands Tcmd>
static void NetworkReplaceCommandClientId(CommandPacket &cp, ClientID client_id)
/* Unpack command parameters. */
auto params = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::Args>(;
/* Insert client id. */
SetClientIds(params, client_id, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<decltype(params)>>{});
/* Repack command parameters. */ = EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(params);
* Insert a client ID into the command data in a command packet.
* @param cp Command packet to modify.
* @param client_id Client id to insert.
void NetworkReplaceCommandClientId(CommandPacket &cp, ClientID client_id)
_cmd_dispatch[cp.cmd].ReplaceClientId(cp, client_id);
/** Validate a single string argument coming from network. */
template <class T>
static inline void SanitizeSingleStringHelper([[maybe_unused]] CommandFlags cmd_flags, T &data)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::string, T>) {
/** Helper function to perform validation on command data strings. */
template<class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
static inline void SanitizeStringsHelper(CommandFlags cmd_flags, Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
((SanitizeSingleStringHelper(cmd_flags, std::get<Tindices>(values))), ...);
* Validate and sanitize strings in command data.
* @tparam Tcmd Command this data belongs to.
* @param data Command data.
* @return Sanitized command data.
template <Commands Tcmd>
CommandDataBuffer SanitizeCmdStrings(const CommandDataBuffer &data)
auto args = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::Args>(data);
SanitizeStringsHelper(CommandTraits<Tcmd>::flags, args, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::Args>>{});
return EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args);
* Unpack a generic command packet into its actual typed components.
* @tparam Tcmd Command type to be unpacked.
* @tparam Tcb Index into the callback list.
* @param cp Command packet to unpack.
template <Commands Tcmd, size_t Tcb>
void UnpackNetworkCommand(const CommandPacket &cp)
auto args = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::Args>(;
Command<Tcmd>::PostFromNet(cp.err_msg, std::get<Tcb>(_callback_tuple), cp.my_cmd, args);