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CloudSonic Server

Build Status Go Report Card

This is still a work in progress, and has no releases available

CloudSonic is a music collection server and streamer, optmized to run on cheap VPS servers. It implements the Subsonic API

The project's main goals are:

  • Be fully compatible with available Subsonic clients (actively being tested with DSub, SubFire and Jamstash)
  • Import and use all metadata from iTunes, so that you can optionally keep using iTunes to manage your music
  • Implement Smart Playlists, as iTunes
  • Help me learn Go ;) Gopher

Supported Subsonic API version

I'm currently trying to implement all functionality from API v1.8.0, with some exceptions.

Check the (almost) up to date compatibility chart for what is working.


As this is a work in progress, there are no installers yet. To have the server running in your computer, follow the steps in the Development Environment section below, then run it with:

$ export SONIC_MUSICFOLDER="/path/to/your/iTunes Library.xml"
$ make run

The server should start listening on port 4533.

Development Environment

You will need to install Go 1.13

Then install dependencies:

$ make setup

Some useful commands:

# Start local server (with hot reload)
$ make run

# Run all tests
$ make test


CloudSonic - Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Deluan Cotts Quintao

The source code is licensed under GNU Affero GPL v3. License is available here