2016-03-13 12:42:27 -04:00

2 KiB


Build Status Go Report Card

This is still a work in progress, and has no releases available

GoSonic is an application that implements the Subsonic API, but instead of having its own music library like the original Subsonic application, it interacts directly with your iTunes library.

The project's main goals are:

  • Full compatibility with the available Subsonic clients (only being tested with DSub and Jamstash)
  • Use all metadata from iTunes, so that you can keep using iTunes to manage your music
  • Keep iTunes stats (play counts, last played dates, ratings, etc..) updated, at least on Mac OS X
  • Learning Go ;) Gopher

Supported Subsonic API version

I'm currently trying to implement all functionality from API v1.5.0, with some exceptions.

Check the (almost) up to date compatibility chart for what is working.

Development Environment

You will need to install Go 1.6

Then install dependencies:

$ go get   
$ go get
$ gopm get -v -g

From here it's a normal BeeGo development cycle. Some useful commands:

# Start local server (with hot reload)
$ bee run

# Start test runner on the browser
$ NOLOG=1 goconvey --port 9090

# Run all tests
$ go test ./... -v


GoSonic - Copyright (C) 2016 Deluan Cotts Quintao

The source code is licensed under GPL v3. License is available here