
1.0 KiB


A couple things to keep in mind with this manifest:

  1. This creates a namespace called navidrome. Adjust this as needed.
  2. This manifest was created on K3s, which uses its own storage provisioner called local-path-provisioner. Be sure to change the storageClassName of the PersistentVolumeClaim as needed.
  3. The PersistentVolumeClaim sets up a 2Gi volume for Navidrome's database. Adjust this as needed.
  4. Be sure to change the image tag from to whatever the newest version is.
  5. This assumes your music is mounted on the host using hostPath at /path/to/your/music/on/the/host. Adjust this as needed.
  6. The Ingress is already configured for cert-manager to obtain a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate and uses Traefik for routing. Adjust this as needed.
  7. The Ingress presents the service at navidrome.${SECRET_INTERNAL_DOMAIN_NAME}, which needs to already be setup in DNS.