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# Kubernetes
A couple things to keep in mind with this manifest:
1. This creates a namespace called `navidrome`. Adjust this as needed.
1. This manifest was created on [K3s](, which uses its own storage provisioner called [local-path-provisioner]( Be sure to change the `storageClassName` of the `PersistentVolumeClaim` as needed.
1. The `PersistentVolumeClaim` sets up a 2Gi volume for Navidrome's database. Adjust this as needed.
1. Be sure to change the `image` tag from `` to whatever the newest version is.
1. This assumes your music is mounted on the host using `hostPath` at `/path/to/your/music/on/the/host`. Adjust this as needed.
1. The `Ingress` is already configured for `cert-manager` to obtain a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate and uses Traefik for routing. Adjust this as needed.
1. The `Ingress` presents the service at `navidrome.${SECRET_INTERNAL_DOMAIN_NAME}`, which needs to already be setup in DNS.